Monday, April 27, 2015

Emmy & Olvier by Robin Benway Review

Emmy’s best friend, Oliver, reappears after being kidnapped by his father ten years ago. Emmy hopes to pick up their relationship right where it left off. Are they destined to be together? Or has fate irreparably driven them apart?

Emmy just wants to be in charge of her own life.

She wants to stay out late, surf her favorite beach—go anywhere without her parents’ relentless worrying. But Emmy’s parents can’t seem to let her grow up—not since the day Oliver disappeared.

Oliver needs a moment to figure out his heart.

He’d thought, all these years, that his dad was the good guy. He never knew that it was his father who kidnapped him and kept him on the run. Discovering it, and finding himself returned to his old hometown, all at once, has his heart racing and his thoughts swirling.

Emmy and Oliver were going to be best friends forever, or maybe even more, before their futures were ripped apart. In Emmy’s soul, despite the space and time between them, their connection has never been severed. But is their story still written in the stars? Or are their hearts like the pieces of two different puzzles—impossible to fit together?

Readers who love Sarah Dessen will tear through these pages with hearts in throats as Emmy and Oliver struggle to face the messy, confusing consequences of Oliver’s father’s crime. Full of romance, coming-of-age emotion, and heartache, these two equally compelling characters create an unforgettable story.
4/5 Stars
This book fits the sweet YA mold, but has unique features that add intensity and angst. The story is based around a web of lies. It is our job as readers to reveal the truth and unveil the secrets. It is a wild ride that has an ending you will never expect...

Emmy and Oliver share a bond even after being apart for 10 years. It isn't an instant reunion, but slowly the old feelings form again. Everyone expects Oliver to be excited about being found, but deep down he feels as though he's been kidnapped all over again. Everything he knew is erased when he is thrown into a new life, with new siblings. He struggles to grasp the present and push away the past... Emmy tries to be the listening ear, but it's hard when she is faced with what brought her so much pain all of those years ago.

Was this story predictable? Maybe at times, but overall no! I was blindsided by the ending and couldn't believe how everything unfolded. I loved the romance and the cute additions that made this a swoon worthy read... Add in the mystery and I am hooked!

Overall, I really enjoyed this story... At times it was a tad slow, but in the end I was quite satisfied with what the Author gave us.
Highly Recommend to YA fans.

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